Best pashto song app to watch pakistani drama, pashto drama along with pashto gane, arabic dance with largest cluster of pashto naat & all pashto videos. It has 30,000+ Collection & Daily New pashto songs are added to the this Video collection. Watch, Listen, Share and Enjoy all kinds of pashto videos, pashto drama, Songs, DJ beside pashto tapay song and more.
So, What ! It's time to watch some videos & enjoy.. ✅ Install App 📲
Start the day with a pashto song, when you have time watch a pashto drama, dance with arabic dance and watch pashto local video
So, What ! It's time to watch some pashto song videos & enjoy.. ✅ Install App 📲
Songs, Videos of the following category are included in this app and we are adding new categories regularly,
1. Album/Movie Songs - Pashto album songs, Pashto Movie songs etc.
2. Stage Shows - Stage shows on pashto afghani song, pakistani pashto song and more
3. Pashto Naat - All kinds of pashto naat videos are available
4. Funny Videos - Pashto funny videos to make you laugh
5. Pashto Dance - With arabic dance video, pashto song dance with pashto afghani song
6. Drama - All old & new pashto drama and pakistani drama are available in the app
7. Tapay - Pashto tapay with high quality songs and videos
8. Qawali / Devotional Songs- For the beautiful person within you
9. Short Movies - Watch and Enjoy
10. Old Songs - Songs from 1980s, 1990s and more with pashto sad songs
So, What ! It's time to watch some pashto song and pashto drama & enjoy.. ✅ Install App Now 📲